
Organic has become an important part of the food industry. In the face of the threat of climate change, the ecologically sustainable cultivation of crop plants is something consumers increasingly care about. We want to address this dynamic growth in our MCT products as well. The new BergaBest MCT-Oil 60/40 Organic (DE-ÖKO-070) features the same multifunctional properties as our conventional MCT oil: It has positive effects on process technology and nutritional physiology, and it’s an alternative to palm-sourced MCT oil.

You need more good reasons? As usual, we supply even small amounts. The MOQ of the new organic MCT is just 190 kg. Furthermore the MCT oil from coconut offers the same functionalities as MCT oil from palm products. Any questions? We’ll be happy to help you convert your existing products, or work with you to create new organic products. Contact us!

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