Logo of the POC on dark blue background

Connecting opportunities at the Palm Oils Conference

From February 24th throught 26th, the Palm & Lauric Oils Price Outlook Conference & Exhibition (POC) took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Sternchemie was there to gain valuable insights.
For more than 30 years, this world-renowned event has been the most anticipated annual gathering of key decision makers and thought leaders in the global edible oils industry. It iprovides invaluable networking and discussion opportunities among its participants and a forum to deliberate on topics surrounding the supply and demand of major edible oils, the industry’s most pressing issues, market trends and trade possibilities.

The world in sapce without clouds, centered on south America. The sphere of the globe is coverd in a network of light dots.

For Sternchemie, attending the POC conference in Asia was a fantastic opportunity to engage with key players across the industry: From trusted suppliers to valued customers as well as long-term stakeholders to new potential business partners. This unique setting allows for valuable exchanges on industry strategies, product developments, and market availability, while also fostering strong relationships and staying up to date with market trends.

The event was particularly insightful for our experts, to gain a better and deep understanding about developments in procurement markets. This helps us strengthen our partnerships and ensure safe, stable, and sustainable supply chains for our international customers. Our focus remains on safety & quality, sustainable supply, and innovation – because at the end of the day:

We make it simple to produce safe and healthy foods.

We thank all our partners and experts for the productive discussions and hope to see you next year!

Save the Date: POC2026 | 9-11 Feb 2026

Feel free to get in touch with us, to find out, how we can put our profound technological expertise about lecithin and functional lipids to use to benefit your endevours.

Get in touch with us here

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